Hello my dear followers,
I currently have just two writers for Miss Magazine, MarwaMroue and Chillifulli.
I am looking for a third or maybe fourth, and am letting anyone apply!
Simply write an artical about Autumn/winter fashion and send me it by email (on the contact me page) or through a stardoll message, you can even comment below with a link if you wish.
If i like it it will be featured in the next issue of Miss Magaizne!
Please note this is not to be an author for the blog, its to be a writer for the issues of Miss.
If you wish to enter:
*comment below with your stardoll username so i am notified.
*Ask yourself if you will be able to write an artical once a month for the magazine
*Promise to send me your articals on time, and notify me at least a week in advance to an issue coming out if you are unable to write an artical or wish to quit.
Good luck to all! you have until September 28th to apply,