Hello my dear readers, many people ask me how to become a model for Miss Magazine, the answer is anyone can by clicking on the page above, although you must be part of a Stardoll modelling agency.
For those who are not part of a Stardoll Modelling agency, heres your chance to apply for one! This agency is Stardoll Model Finders and is a media partner of Miss Magazine.
To apply click HERE but before you do i would research how most Stardoll models look to get inspired and increase your chances of being accepted. Good luck everyone! If you get accepted as a model for Stardoll Model Finders you can then apply to model in the February issue of Miss Magazine by clicking HERE.
Thanks for reading xx
Monday, 31 December 2012
New header by Sparklewand12!
Hello everyone, today we got a new header made by sparklewand12. You can visit her graphic blog by clicking HERE
I personally love it, what do you all think? please comment below with your thoughts!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Just to inform you all... (Jobs available)
I am afraid there will be no January issue of Miss Magazine, and maybe not a February one...
This is for many reasons, i am busy at home with Christmas at the moment and have many exams in January to revise for. My Graphic designer has also decided to leave the team, so there's no way i could complete issues alone.
I am looking for a new graphic designer to help me with future issues, if i can find one before January work can start to create s February issue. I also need a new article writer, If interested in either jobs please apply in the staff and job applications page, Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Merry Christmas to all my dear followers x
This is for many reasons, i am busy at home with Christmas at the moment and have many exams in January to revise for. My Graphic designer has also decided to leave the team, so there's no way i could complete issues alone.
I am looking for a new graphic designer to help me with future issues, if i can find one before January work can start to create s February issue. I also need a new article writer, If interested in either jobs please apply in the staff and job applications page, Lets keep our fingers crossed.
Merry Christmas to all my dear followers x
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Model applications (new system)
Hello, Here at Miss Magazine we only use models from our partnered agencies, well not anymore!
Now anyone can apply to be a model for the next issue no matter what agency their part off. you can do this by clicking
I hope this new system works well, it will give more models the opportunity to be featured in the magazine and maybe help us gain a few more followers.
Thanks everyone, please comment below with your thoughts about this system x
Friday, 30 November 2012
Miss Magazine December Issue
Here is the long awaited issue, i hope you enjoy reading it as it took a while to make, i worked on the front cover for around five days in total! making it made me realise Christmas is getting close now, its so exciting. Enjoy and thanks everyone x
Saturday, 24 November 2012
New blog look...
I know, i know its a habit of mine. I always change the blogs look and banner but im sticking
with this one for a while.
I think i have finally found a good colour scheme and a more professional look for the blog.
The December issue of Miss will have more advanced graphics and finally look like a good
quality magazine, and now the layout will match perfectly.
What do you think? any opinions or thoughts? please comment below if you have any xx
Apply for a free advertisement in..
The December issue of Miss Magazine.
If you have a stardoll project on blogger you can apply for a free advertisement
as a comment below.
as a comment below.
Stardoll username:
Link to stardoll project:
About the project:
You only have a day or two to apply, Thanks x
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Friday, 16 November 2012
The history of Miss Magazine
Hello everyone, i was recently sorting out my files on my laptop and came across some old pictures of Miss Magazine, so i wanted to give you a history lesson.
Miss Magazine started as a stardoll fashion line. The blog was made in late may 2012 but became Miss Magazine on June 12th 2012. I was designing a collection at the time and was hoping to release it when i got a few followers, and the banner looked like this
Miss Magazine started as a stardoll fashion line. The blog was made in late may 2012 but became Miss Magazine on June 12th 2012. I was designing a collection at the time and was hoping to release it when i got a few followers, and the banner looked like this
I then changed the style of the blog and banner to this:
I then realised my graphics were not the best and the blog was un-noticed, so i made the decision to change the blog to Miss Magazine.
At the time i made the issues in my stardoll album, looking back i cant believe how awful it looked. Its embarrassing really! here is one of them:
I then made a contest to attract more readers called The Miss Magazine Pageant. This was a stardoll theamed American beauty pageant. I had around 10 contestants doing scenery, graphic, make-up and fashion tasks, the winner was MissRainbow778.
Anyone think we should have another contest like this in the future? comment below if you do!
As the magazine improved i changed the banner again (i know i changed this a lot) and decided to attempt a graphic issue. I think it looked quite good considering i was very new to this. The July issue was the first to be made this way:
Since then not much has changed, i improved my graphics and the September issue turned out good.
After that i had an amazing banner made by Jody_Cailin which helped give the blog a more professional look.
And thats pretty much it! and how Miss Magazine was made. I am currently working on the 6th issue, and it will be released on December 1st. It will have a beautiful christmas feel to it, and i cant wait!
Thanks for reading, any thoughts?, suggestions? comment below if you do x
Friday, 9 November 2012
Lottery Results!
Ok, we only got 30 entries for the lottery. I was hoping for 50 but realised that wasn't going to happen, so i have choose winners at random anyway. I used Random.org and if for example number 1 was chosen, the first comment would of won a prize.
Thanks to all who entered and there will be another when we get 100 followers. This is just my way of saying thank you to you all for joining this blog xx
Numbers 19,29,30,8,12 came up so the 19th, 29th, 30th, 8th and 12th commenter's won!
Heres the results, you must contact me on stardoll within the next 48 hours to receive your prize through the starbazzar.
Fashiongirl1290- Chanel tribute maroon tweed dress
Mangunmeetan- Hotbuys flower dress
Candycoolgal19- LE coral fringe shirt
Smiling.jojoo- Voile blush silk chifon dress
Crazy13_me- 2010 dress inspired by Betsey Johnson
Thanks to all who entered and there will be another when we get 100 followers. This is just my way of saying thank you to you all for joining this blog xx
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Need some advice
Hello everyone, i wanted some advice on my graphic hair. I have three different techniques of making it and wanted to know which was the best. All of them need improving, and I thought who else to ask than my followers and readers?
Just vote on the poll below for your favourite, thanks xx
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3
Thursday, 1 November 2012
November issue of Miss Magazine
Hello, well its finally here! the November issue of Miss Magaizne.
I have worked hard on this issue with the help of my new Graphic designer Mangunmeetan and my writers.
The graphics are a little blurry, i apologise for that as this happened whilst uploading it onto issuu for some reason. I have put them below if you wish to see the none blurry versions, just click to enlarge.
I hope you enjoy the issue, and please comment with your thoughts below or on the Miss Magazine page.
I also would like to remind you about the lottery i am holding HERE , by entering you have a chance to win LE and rares, thanks xx

I have worked hard on this issue with the help of my new Graphic designer Mangunmeetan and my writers.
The graphics are a little blurry, i apologise for that as this happened whilst uploading it onto issuu for some reason. I have put them below if you wish to see the none blurry versions, just click to enlarge.
I hope you enjoy the issue, and please comment with your thoughts below or on the Miss Magazine page.
I also would like to remind you about the lottery i am holding HERE , by entering you have a chance to win LE and rares, thanks xx

Friday, 26 October 2012
Lottery Reminder!
Hello, just a reminder that you could win LE, Chanel and hotbuys by entering our lottery!
You can enter by commenting on the post below or click
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Hello, we now have around 50 followers and over 5000 page viewers, thats an amazing achievement for the blog!
I thought it was about time i said thanks to you all, so i am holding a lottery!
Please be a follower before entering, if your name is chosen randomly and your not a follower, i will almost defiantly give the prize to someone else.
To enter just comment below with your Stardoll username, please note that you must be able to buty from the starbazzar to get a prize if you win, this lottery will be open until we get 50 entries. This may take a few weeks or even a few months, but we have around 50 followers and other viewers, so it should be achievable.
The prizes:
5 winners will be chosen at random when we get enough entries
Please tell all your friends as the more entries we get, the faster the winners will be announced!
Good luck to you all!
(p.s this is my new banner, what do you think? you can view my graphic blog HERE)
Monday, 1 October 2012
October issue of Miss Magazine
Its finally here, the October issue of Miss Magazine. I think the graphics are much better than than previous issues, if interested please go HERE to apply for a free graphic as its good practice for me. There are not many articles as some writers did not send me them, i am looking for new writer so if interested please go HERE. Thanks, please enjoy the issue.
Please comment with your thoughts of the issue below, say any positives, negatives or even future ideas for the Magazine, thank you xx
Please comment with your thoughts of the issue below, say any positives, negatives or even future ideas for the Magazine, thank you xx
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Free Advertisements in Miss Magazine
For the October issue of Miss Magazine i need about three advertisements for Stardoll related blogs.
I am holing this contest at Stardoll Local News, so go there for more information and to apply for an advertisement.
I am holing this contest at Stardoll Local News, so go there for more information and to apply for an advertisement.

Friday, 21 September 2012
Writers Needed!
Hello my dear followers,
I currently have just two writers for Miss Magazine, MarwaMroue and Chillifulli.
I am looking for a third or maybe fourth, and am letting anyone apply!
Simply write an artical about Autumn/winter fashion and send me it by email (on the contact me page) or through a stardoll message, you can even comment below with a link if you wish.
If i like it it will be featured in the next issue of Miss Magaizne!
Please note this is not to be an author for the blog, its to be a writer for the issues of Miss.
If you wish to enter:
*comment below with your stardoll username so i am notified.
*comment below with your stardoll username so i am notified.
*Ask yourself if you will be able to write an artical once a month for the magazine
*Promise to send me your articals on time, and notify me at least a week in advance to an issue coming out if you are unable to write an artical or wish to quit.
*Promise to send me your articals on time, and notify me at least a week in advance to an issue coming out if you are unable to write an artical or wish to quit.
Good luck to all! you have until September 28th to apply,
Saturday, 1 September 2012
New Blog Design!
Miss Magazine has a brand new banner made my the amazing Jody_cailin, shes really good at Stardoll graphics and they look so professional.
You can visit her graphic blog by clicking HERE
I also changed the blogs theme and background.
You can visit her graphic blog by clicking HERE
I also changed the blogs theme and background.
What do you think? Do you like the new design?
Friday, 31 August 2012
Miss Magazine September Issue
Thats right! the September issue is out, i worked really hard on it and hope you all enjoy reading it.
To read the full issue click HERE or just go to the "Miss Magazine" page x
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Just to inform you all...
I have decided to remove both of the blog writers as authors. Neither were really active on the blog and when they did do a post i had to ask for them to do it, which i shouldnt need too.
What really annoyed me is that one of them had not posted for ages, and then made a post asking for MSW votes. I saw this on my blogger dashboard, however it was deleted just minutes afterwards. She may of changed her mind but she still should not of made a a post like that without permission.
I just want to say thank you to my former writers, although you are no longer at the Miss Magazine team you still helped contribute to the blog, I have sent you both a stardoll gift to say thanks, but for now its farewell to you both at Miss Magazine.
I think i will be better being the only writer, i love posting on this blog and do it all for you readers out there. I may concider having writers again in the future, but for now i will be writing alone.
September issue!
Although i didnt think i would be able to complete this months issue i have!
I have been away on holiday a lot but have worked really hard and pulled a few all nighters to complete the issue for all of you. I am really excited about it and i hope you all like it too.
The issue will be out September 1st, i hope you all read it, Many thanks
What really annoyed me is that one of them had not posted for ages, and then made a post asking for MSW votes. I saw this on my blogger dashboard, however it was deleted just minutes afterwards. She may of changed her mind but she still should not of made a a post like that without permission.
I just want to say thank you to my former writers, although you are no longer at the Miss Magazine team you still helped contribute to the blog, I have sent you both a stardoll gift to say thanks, but for now its farewell to you both at Miss Magazine.
I think i will be better being the only writer, i love posting on this blog and do it all for you readers out there. I may concider having writers again in the future, but for now i will be writing alone.
September issue!
Although i didnt think i would be able to complete this months issue i have!
I have been away on holiday a lot but have worked really hard and pulled a few all nighters to complete the issue for all of you. I am really excited about it and i hope you all like it too.
The issue will be out September 1st, i hope you all read it, Many thanks
Friday, 10 August 2012
New Writer And Issue Information
After a long search for the next Madame Advice i have made my choice.
Our new Madame Advice is MarwaMroue
She has impressive writing skills and i believe she will be a great member of the Miss Team. Her Stardoll account is amazing so please welcome her to Miss by visiting at http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/?id=118336449
Congratulations! you will now need to write an Madame Adivce artical for each issue of Miss. Contact me with any questions.
Due to it being the Summer Holidays i have been very busy recently, I will be starting year 11 at school next month andam busy running the latest contest here called Miss Beauty Queen, so its possible they wont be a September issue of Miss Magazine.
I am considering making an Autumn issue inbetween September and October, I believe this will be better as the issue can be longer and more improved. Thanks to everyone who has been part of or interested in Miss, and i apologise for this decision.
By Cheekycazbo1 xx
Our new Madame Advice is MarwaMroue
She has impressive writing skills and i believe she will be a great member of the Miss Team. Her Stardoll account is amazing so please welcome her to Miss by visiting at http://www.stardoll.com/en/user/?id=118336449
Congratulations! you will now need to write an Madame Adivce artical for each issue of Miss. Contact me with any questions.
Due to it being the Summer Holidays i have been very busy recently, I will be starting year 11 at school next month andam busy running the latest contest here called Miss Beauty Queen, so its possible they wont be a September issue of Miss Magazine.
I am considering making an Autumn issue inbetween September and October, I believe this will be better as the issue can be longer and more improved. Thanks to everyone who has been part of or interested in Miss, and i apologise for this decision.
By Cheekycazbo1 xx
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
August Issue Of Miss Magazine!
Thats right the August issue is out!
After not recieving two articals in a row i had to fire the magazines Madame adivice. I am looking for a new madame advice who will have their first artical in the next issue. You can find our more information on my blog at the Staff Page. Auditions will be open in about an hour.
After not recieving two articals in a row i had to fire the magazines Madame adivice. I am looking for a new madame advice who will have their first artical in the next issue. You can find our more information on my blog at the Staff Page. Auditions will be open in about an hour.
You can view the full issue on the Miss Magazine page, or by going to the link below:
Thanks everyone and enjoy the issue!
By Cheekycazbo1
Friday, 27 July 2012
Writer needed!!!
As i am the only writer for Miss Magazine i am thinking of possibly hiring another writer.
The writer would post about stardoll in general, about spoilers, new features and stores ect. You will also have your very own artical in every issue of MISS!! You will be incharge of the spotlight, and will need to find one talented medoll on stardoll every month and interview them for the artical. You will be a judge for all future contests.
Must be a follower of the blog, and member of the club
Must be active and post a few times a week
Must be able to find spoilers and stardoll newsMust be active on stardoll itsself
To apply please fill in the form as a comment:
Stardoll username:
Experience and example if any:
Why you are interested?:
You have untill August 1st to apply, good luck xx
The writer would post about stardoll in general, about spoilers, new features and stores ect. You will also have your very own artical in every issue of MISS!! You will be incharge of the spotlight, and will need to find one talented medoll on stardoll every month and interview them for the artical. You will be a judge for all future contests.
Must be a follower of the blog, and member of the club
Must be active and post a few times a week
Must be able to find spoilers and stardoll newsMust be active on stardoll itsself
To apply please fill in the form as a comment:
Stardoll username:
Experience and example if any:
Why you are interested?:
You have untill August 1st to apply, good luck xx
August Issue Spoiler!
Hello everyone! i have been on holiday for the past 6 days, so im sorry for not posting recently. But im back with the August issue spoiler!
Hope you like it! The issue is out August 1st x
Monday, 2 July 2012
July issue of Miss!
Thats right! The july issue of Miss is out!!! Its on my blog for the first time ever as is improved with graphics and advertisements. I really hope you like it as i have worked really hard on it, enjoy! x
Im not the best at graphic making but i think this issue went quite well for my first one on the blog. Thanks for reading,
By Carriecoolchick x
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